Unlock Better Energy: Ditch The One-Size-Fits-All Advice and Tune Into Your Intuition

Unlock better energy

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Imagine waking up and feeling ready—not just to get through the day, but to own it. Your energy is on point. You’re clear-headed, focused, and fuelled with a vitality that carries you through everything on your to-do list. You’re no longer dragging yourself from one task to the next, wishing for just five more minutes in bed. Instead, you’re showing up as the best version of yourself, doing, being, and creating the life you actually want. That’s the power of better energy!

Now, imagine doing all of this your way. No rigid rules, no strict regimes, no endless list of things you “should” be doing. Instead, you’re finding the energy hacks that fit perfectly into your life on your terms. Maybe you’re a bit of a rebel, like me, and you love the idea of creating your own path to feeling unstoppable. 

Real, long-lasting success comes when you tap into what works for you.


Energy isn’t just fuel; it’s the ultimate resource that determines what you can do, how you feel, and who you can become.


When your energy is on point, everything else falls into place. You can’t afford to be running on empty if you’re serious about making changes in your life. So, let’s talk about how to find your unique energy boost—your way.

The world is loud with opinions – is it time to turn down the volume?

the path to better energy starts with turning down the volume of other people's opinions

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably bombarded by a gazillion expert opinions on every aspect of life whenever you open Instagram, telling you exactly how to get your energy levels up and running. “Eat more carbs!” “No, wait, eat less carbs!” “Sleep earlier!” “Take ice baths, drink mushroom coffee, meditate more, be vegan, do regular fasting, do more, do less…” The list goes on, right?

It’s dizzying. I used to find myself spiralling into confusion when I opened Instagram or YouTube, where the noise is loud and persistent. That’s why learning to connect with my intuition was one of the best skills I’ve tapped into. It’s helped me turn down the volume on external opinions and tap into what’s right for me. Trust me; this approach works in every area of life, especially when it comes to improving your energy levels.

There’s so much chatter about what you "should" do to be healthier, happier and more energised. You’ve probably tried one or two of these ‘must-do’ routines that promise the world only to end up right back where you started—always feeling tired.

It’s not that any of this advice is “wrong” or bad; it’s just not personal. Many of these tips can be genuinely helpful—they just might not be your answer. I was guilty of this when I first started out in health and wellness, recommending that everyone try what worked for me and expecting it to work for them too. In fact, I still share plenty of energy-boosting tips and knowledge; it’s part of my work to distill all the techniques, approaches, facts, and products that help my clients and me. But I always remind people to take what resonates and leave the rest. I’ll never tell you you ‘should’ do anything.

People share what worked for them out of pure passion, and sometimes, those habits do give a boost. They might even be one piece of your energy puzzle.

But if you couldn’t sustain a change, it’s probably because it didn’t quite fit your lifestyle or didn’t address the full scope of your energy drains—so you never got the results you were hoping for.

Here’s the thing: What works wonders for one person may not work for you. If you’re an introvert, for instance, you’re going to refuel your energy in ways that look totally different from an extrovert’s style. Sometimes, it’s not about doing more; it’s about doing less, taking time to rest or taking steps to reduce stress to boost energy so you’re not running on empty.

Much research has been carried out into the personalisation of various aspects of health and wellness, such as exercise [1], nutrition [2] preventative lifestyle change [3]. 

You are the top expert on your own energy. And that’s not just me being rebellious—that’s a straight-up fact. Your body, your lifestyle, your past experiences, and your current needs are unique, so maybe another diet plan, new supplement or fitness regime isn’t the answer maybe listening to ‘your’ inner expert is?


“The best expert on your energy? Spoiler alert: it’s not me, it’s you!"


Is this resonating with you? Feeling that inner yes, that sense of truth in these words? That’s your intuition nudging you, letting you know you’re on the right track. Hold onto that feeling—it’s your first step toward tapping into your inner energy expert.

Journaling your way to better energy (writing not mandatory!)

Journal prompts for better energy

Now, before you roll your eyes and think journaling isn't for you, hear me out. Journaling doesn’t have to mean putting pen to paper (although, full disclosure, that’s my preferred method). You can record a voice note or even a video journal—whatever helps you reflect and get those thoughts out of your head. The key is giving yourself the time and space to listen to your inner expert.

By reflecting on your day-to-day life and tuning into how you feel, you can identify those sneaky energy drains that are holding you back. 

Try asking yourself these questions:

  1. What are my biggest energy drains right now? – Some energy zappers are easy to spot, while others can be sneakier. But if you give yourself a quiet moment and really ask this question, those top energy drains (usually one, sometimes a few) will come to mind instantly. You’ll feel it.

  2. What habits are making me feel energised or drained? – Take a closer look at the routines you follow every day, from morning to night. Notice which habits leave you feeling refreshed and which ones seem to sap your energy. Tracking these highs and lows over a few days can reveal a lot. Sometimes, even small tweaks to your daily routines can make a huge difference in how energised you feel.

  3. What would the most energised version of myself do differently? – Imagine yourself at your peak energy level—what does that look like? Picture how you’d go about your day, the choices you’d make, and the habits you’d stick to. Brainstorm a few small yet powerful changes you could try to bring yourself closer to that ideal energy state. Visualising this helps you connect with what truly matters to you.


Journaling Tip

Don’t edit! When you ask yourself each question, write or record exactly what comes to mind. If there’s more bubbling up, let it flow—don’t censor or cut yourself off before you hit the good stuff. Often, it takes a bit of time to dig down to the real insights. Think of it like peeling away layers of wrapping until you uncover the real gift underneath.


Need some help uncovering what might be draining your energy? Dive into my blog, 5 Not-So-Obvious Things That Could Be Draining Your Energy—it’s full of insights to help you identify those hidden energy zappers.

Tuning into your inner energy expert: how to know when you’re connected

Tuning into your inner energy expert

Tuning into your innate wisdom—your inner knowing, your internal expert (call it what you like)—is really about connecting with your intuition. Learning to do this is one of the most empowering ways to boost your energy. But how do you know when you’re truly listening? Here are some tips:

1. Does it feel good? – Intuition often feels calm, peaceful, or just plain good. If the message gives you a sense of certainty or ease, you're probably connected to your intuition.

 2. Do you feel certain? – When you’re connected to your intuition, you might just feel a deep sense of knowing without needing external validation.

3. It's just a knowing – Sometimes intuition doesn’t come with bells and whistles; it’s simply a quiet confidence, a sense of "this is right for me." It’s a gut feeling that doesn’t need to be explained.

4. If the message scares you, it’s likely a fear voice, not intuition – Fear can often disguise itself as intuition, but here’s the key difference: intuition feels calm, while fear feels panicked or overwhelming. If it’s making you anxious or scared, it’s probably not your intuition talking.

You’re not an island: how others can help you on the path to better energy

Of course, if you’re constantly feeling drained, it’s important to seek medical advice and consider getting tests to rule out any underlying conditions. Sometimes low energy has a diagnosable cause that needs professional attention, and that’s always worth checking out first. But if you’ve done that, and the tests keep coming back clear, that’s your cue to take the power back. 


There’s something empowering about realising you don’t have to wait around for someone else to ‘fix’ you. Taking ownership and deciding to find what works for you is the first step to real change.


I remember going through this myself—I kept seeing the doctor, running every test in the book, and still, no explanation. Finally, the doctor suggested I give up my job as the solution. That’s when I knew: if I was going to beat this, I had to take control myself. I set out on my own journey, and many years later, here I am as a certified health coach and EFT practitioner, helping other tired women with a lot to do in the world find their unique energy remedies.

Now, let me be clear—it’s not about being a total island and doing things all on your own. Sure, your inner expert is the one to follow, but sometimes you need a little outside help to find that expert voice. That’s what coaching is. I will never tell you what you need to do—because, honestly, I don’t know. But you do. My job is to ask the right questions to help you tune into your energy remedy.

how others can help you on the path to better energy

Other people can inspire, encourage, and guide you toward resources that may help. They can share knowledge and insights, give you that nudge in the right direction, and ask the powerful questions that help you uncover what truly works for you.

So, while you’re your own expert, having people around who support and guide you is just as important. Surround yourself with those who encourage you to connect to your intuition, rather than handing you a prescription for what they think you need.

Trust yourself – you are your own expert

So, here’s the rebellious truth: You don’t need another "expert" to tell you what to do. The real expert is already inside of you. Trust yourself. Follow your inner expert. The key to lasting energy is not out there in the noise but within you. 

Give yourself the freedom to experiment, stay curious, and, most importantly, connect with what truly works for you. Because at the end of the day, the only person who really knows what will give you better energy is you.

5 simple ways to revitalise energy the natural way

Stay connected by hitting the button below and grabbing your FREE GUIDE —Five Simple Ways to Revitalise Your Energy. Enter your details, and from time to time, I'll share tips, articles and stories, along with carefully selected products, books and resources for living a more energised life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you’re always feeling tired, it may not just be about sleep or diet but about managing energy drains you might not even notice. Many factors can zap energy—stress, poor diet, low vibe emotions and ignoring your body’s natural rhythms are big ones.I encourage tuning into your unique energy needs by focusing on what’s actually draining you.

    Start by following the tips in the blog above, and ask yourself what small shifts could help, like reducing stress, drinking more water, cutting out complaining or developing a consistent bedtime routine. Check out my blog, 5 Not So Obvious Things That Could Be Draining Your Energy, to start uncovering the hidden drains on your vitality.

  • Feeling “old and tired” can often stem from unresolved stress, unbalanced energy, or habits that don’t suit your body’s natural rhythm. Sometimes, we follow routines that drain rather than revive us, making us feel aged beyond our years. The key is to find practices that feel energising for you. Lifestyle Rebelz is all about ignoring the one-size-fits-all advice and taking steps to tap into your unique energy.

  • Persistent fatigue can sometimes signal a deeper issue. Before diving into lifestyle changes, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying conditions. If all comes back clear, then it’s time to listen to your body and experiment with personalised energy remedies. Trusting your inner expert and finding what truly energises you is empowering and, as I’ve found through my own journey, transformative. For ideas on energy-boosting habits that don’t rely on traditional advice, check out my blog above on being your own energy expert.

  • Lacking energy often isn’t about one missing element but rather a unique blend of personal needs. You might lack balance, alignment with your natural rhythm, or habits that reduce stress and re-energise you. Lifestyle Rebelz is all about experimenting with what feels good for you. Whether it’s tweaking your diet, adjusting sleep habits, or discovering your energy remedies, try tuning into your intuition. 

    This blog on emotions and energy explores how mood impacts your energy levels and might just spark some aha moments. For an introduction to tuning into your intuition and starting to piece together your unique energy remedy, be sure to check out the blog above too.

  • Sleep alone doesn’t guarantee energy. Sometimes, emotional stress, an unbalanced lifestyle, or energy-draining habits are at play, leaving you feeling tired even when you’ve clocked in hours of sleep. With Lifestyle Rebelz, I guide you to understand that energy is deeply personal. By tuning into what truly works for you—whether it’s stress-relieving practices or understanding your personality type (introverts recharge differently than extroverts!)—you can build a personalised energy toolkit. Check out my blog on Introverts and Tiredness for insights that might just spark some aha moments.

Anna Bain

Anna Bain, BA (Hons) Communication and Media | Expert Writer | IIN Health Coach I EFT Practitioner | Lifestyle Rebel

Thanks for reading.


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